Version 4.05 – 27 Sept 2021
- Fixed exception if no RedRat device attached and IR input enabled.
- Shows message if trying to add IR signals when mapping set enabled.
Version 4.04 – 24 Sept 2021
- Moved to .NET 4.8.
- Supports updated drag & drop.
- Handles process list exceptions better, i.e. when not admin.
Version 4.03 – 16 Aug 2017
- Supports the RedRat-X.
- Improved handling of IR signal capture parameters.
Version 4.02 – 1 Feb 2017
- The macro editor can now delete all macros.
Version 4.01 – 24 Nov 2016
- Supports the irNetBox-IV.
- Default RedRat saved across sessions.
- Uses V4.12 of the RedRat core code.
- Includes an update check and auto-update.
- Uses .NET 4.5.1
Version 3.18 – 09 June 2014
- Fix in core RedRat code – exceptions thrown when trying to save data with some IR signals containing null fields.
Version 3.17 – 17 April 2014
- Drag and drop fix now applied to main RedRat Control window for creation of mappings.
Version 3.16 – 17 Mar 2014
- Default decoder now set to be the standard one rather than RCMM on install.
Version 3.15 – 6 Mar 2014
- Drag and drop of signals into macro editor stopped working, possibly as a result of a windows update. Now working again.
Version 3.14 – 16 Sept 2013
- Supports irNetBoxes with the new XPort-05 version. Further information on this is available here.
- Addition of more complex action types – ToggleAction, KeyPressReleaseAction, AcceleratingAction and VariableTimeAction.
- Mapping change management is now handled more robustly.
- Added an option to disable irNetBox search on startup.
- Various small bug fixes.
Version 3.08 – 30 Nov 2012
- Fixed a bug when using SendMacro with a macro that had no output RedRat device set. This causes the application to terminate.
Version 3.07 – 18 July 2012
- RedRat Control defaulted to using an XMP1 decoder for incoming IR signals. Now uses the default decoder.
- Opening of log file now behaves itself.
Version 3.06 – 25 May 2012
- Improved lookup and management of RedRat hardware, particularly irNetBoxes. One result is that startup is a bit slower as it does a network search for irNetBoxes.
- It uses asynchronous IR signal output if using an irNetBox-III, increasing the IR output rate.
- The macro editor can now import and export IR signals.
Version 3.04 – 30 Nov 2011
- Added support for extracting SHIFT, ALT and CONTROL bits from XMP-1 keyboard IR signals.
- Fixed bug preventing options dialog closing in some circumstances.
- SendMacro/W message transfer now works on x64 systems.
Version 3.02 – 14 Sept 2011
- Moved to .NET 3.5.
- Keyboard input works in both 32-bit and 64-bit mode.
- Completely changed audio control as old audio mixer APIs stopped working in Vista.
- Some initial support for the irNetBox-III; it will output IR signals but does not support different output power levels.
- Some minor logging improvements.
Version 2.31 – 14 June 2010
- Supports sending very long IR signals through USB timeout configuration in the config file.
Version 2.30 – 1 June 2010
- It now correctly supports using the RedRatHub on a remote computer.
Version 2.26 – 4 March 2010
- Application would not start if computer had two network interfaces on the same network connected to an irNetBox. This has now been fixed.
- Added better catch-all exception handling.
Version 2.25 – 10 Aug 2009
- Built to work on x64 XP and Vista systems, running in 32-bit mode.
- Fixed bug where application state was not always saved.
- Supports the use of the RedRat Multiplexer, i.e. can use remote irNetBoxes and RedRat3s.
Version 2.23 – 16 Jan 2009
- XMP decoder had stopped working in the previous version. This has now been fixed, with a couple of other improvements for XMP based usage.
- Exception handling of errors returned by RedRat hardware has been improved.
- An update to the macro editor allows editing of properties in all actions of a macro instead of having to edit the actions one by one.
Version 2.22 – 22 Sept 2008
- Memory usage would grow very large in some situations due to repeated RedRat3 lookups. Now fixed.
- Would hang when an irNetBox lookup was set as IP_ADDRESS, but it was not connected.
- Some exceptions in background threads (WndProc and macro output) were not handled, so causing the application to terminate. These are now caught and sent to the log file.
- Several minor improvements to core RedRat code.
Version 2.20 – 16 May 2008
- Supports the RedRat3-II as well as older versions of the hardware.
Version 2.04 – 8 June 2007
- Ported to .NET 2.0
- Added support for USB irNetBox
- Added support for Vista
- Added option for SendMacro to block until output complete.
- Miscellaneous minor bug fixes.
Version 1.18
- Assembly version mismatch corrected.
- Macros can now be output sequentially in addition to the default interleaved mode. Setting to sequential should act as a workaround to the situation where a channel change macro is sometimes called twice from SendMacro[W].exe.
Version 1.17
- Fixed bug that prevented IR signal input recognition working.
Version 1.16
- Supports newer irNetBoxes that use the “X2” version of the XPort.
Version 1.15
- Can be configured to set a RedRat signal input parameter on startup.
Version 1.13
- Supports several key modifiers for key presses, e.g. CTRL+ALT+P.
Version 1.12
- Fixed minor bug in creation of log file. It was created even if logging was off.
- Fixed occasional bug that caused an exception if IR input was disabled while the RR3 was outputting signals at a high rate.
Version 1.11
- Added logging of “SendMacro” instructions and fixed bug in turning logging on/off.
- Macro name lookup from SendMacro is no longer case sensitive.
- Macros now support message boxes and beeps.
- Supports output of flash code signals (needs RedRat3 firmware version 0.29 or greater).
Version 1.10
- Fixed bug if foreground application set for mapping set on initial creation.
- Fixed bug when renaming output groups – the old weren’t deleted.
- Added macro output action, e.g. for signal translation.
- Added default mapping set option. Uses this when it can’t find a mapping set for the current foreground application.
Version 1.9
- Fixed concurrency problems when multiple macros output simultaneously.
Version 1.8
- Supports control of ShowShifter.
- Support for the irNetBox.
- The macro editor has been added in for output of IR by other applications using SendMacro or SendMacroW
- Hide on minimize option added.
Version 1.6
- Added individual mapping set import/export.
- Added mouse control by IR.
- Added PC audio control by IR.
- A couple of bug fixes.
Version 1.5
- Fixed bug that prevented old mapping set being completely removed when a new mapping set file is loaded.
Version 1.4
- Added option to enable IR input directly on program startup.
Version 1.3